Thursday, January 24, 2013

Common Hairstyles that Can Make You Bald

There are various factors that cause hair fall, hair loss and hair thinning problems. These hair loss causes range from heredity, ageing, underlying medical conditions, poor health habits, unhealthy lifestyle, infections and medications.

But do you know that there are certain popular hairstyles which can induce hair loss and hair thinning problems?

Indeed, there are certain hairstyles that paved the way for traction alopecia, a form of hair loss primarily due to the extreme force applied on the hair. The constant hair pulling over a long period of time may cause tension to the scalp and the hair follicles, leading to hair damage, or worse, hair loss and hair thinning condition.

Most people who are very fond of hairstyles such as tight ponytails and pigtails, cornrows and dreadlocks may experience hair loss due to the amount of stress applied to the scalp and the hair follicles.

Read more on Common Hairstyles that Can Make You Bald

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