Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Make the Hair Look Thicker and Fuller with These Tips

During summer, having thin, fine and limp hair is definitely not in. Since the season is about being free, fun and spontaneous, most people go for voluminous tresses to create perfect beach waves.

However, not everyone is blessed with a thick head of hair to flaunt during the summer. But fret not, it only takes a little bit of magic and some hair care tricks to get a thicker and fuller hair.

Follow these tips to achieve a summer-ready crowning glory:

    *Work out the locks

It is important to understand the distinction between fine hair and thin hair. The term “fine” refers to the individual hair strand’s actual diameter; while the term “thin” refers to the density of the strands.

If a person naturally has fine hair, then there would be no way to plump it up. However, for those with thin hair, there are ways to increase the density of the strands and make them fuller.

One can rejuvenate thin hair by maintaining a diet rich in proteins; vitamins A, D, B-complex; iron and biotin as they can help stimulate hair growth. These can be found in vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.

Read more on Make the Hair Look Thicker and Fuller with These Tips

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