Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Give Your Hair a Big Blowout with the Proper Blow-Drying Technique

If there is one place in the world where the crowning glory seems to be always at its best, that would be none other than a hair salon.

For quite some time, it has always baffled women why the hair feels and looks beautiful after a professional blow-dry at a salon. Yet, when they try to do the job themselves, they can’t seem to get half of the results they experience in a hair salon. Is a hair salon a magical place or do stylists practice some hair care occultism to tame the locks?

Actually, they do not. It all boils down to proper blow-drying techniques.

By following these tips, one can achieve vibrant and gorgeous hair:

*Start with damp hair, not dripping-wet hair

Always start with damp hair when blow-drying. It will take much longer for excessively soaked hair to dry and, in effect, may expose the hair extensively to heat. One can slightly towel off the hair or blot the water out of it to stop dripping. Rubbing the hair with towel is taboo in hair care since frizz may develop due to the friction.

Read more on Give Your Hair a Big Blowout with the Proper Blow-Drying Technique

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