Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Hair Loss Causes: How Bad Habits Affect Hair Quality

Hair fall, hair thinning and hair loss problems are a few of the conditions that all of us don’t want to experience or greatly dread.

Since our hair adds charm and beauty to our personality, the lack of it can make us look less desirable and years older, creating a devastating effect on our self-confidence and attitude towards life.

Indeed, losing our hair can make us lose our self-esteem in the process. It can create emotional constraints that can make us feel vulnerable and sad.

Hair loss and hair thinning problems are due to various factors. Some hair loss causes might be attributed to diseases, medications, infections, heredity and ageing. Still other causes are due to improper diet, poor hair care habits and an unhealthy lifestyle.

Smoking, drinking and over-styling the hair are poor lifestyle and hair care choices that cause hair loss and hair thinning problems in both men and women.

Read more on Hair Loss Causes: How Bad Habits Affect Hair Quality

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