Thursday, January 31, 2013

Save Your Scalp from Hair Loss with the Leimo Shampoo

Looking for the best hair loss shampoo can be a tedious task. With the thousands of shampoos in the market, finding the most suitable product can be stressful and disconcerting.

Before you go shopping for the right shampoo, it is necessary to know the key factors which are vital in effectively choosing a treatment for your hair loss and hair thinning condition.

One important thing to remember in choosing a shampoo for hair loss is the fact that the product is an excellent DHT inhibitor. DHT stands for dihydrotestosterone, a by-product of the male hormone testosterone and the enzyme 5-alpha reductase. It causes hair loss and hair thinning when it attaches itself to the receptors of the hair follicles, making the hair follicles produce finer and thinner hair strands. What’s even worse is that when there is an over-production of DHT in the scalp, it causes the hair follicle to become dormant or inactive.  With that, we should keep in mind that an effective hair loss shampoo should lessen the effects of DHT in the scalp to promote healthier hair growth.

Moreover, utilising natural and herbal ingredients like saw palmetto and nettle which are known powerful natural DHT blockers also guarantee a safe yet effective hair loss treatment. DHT blockers can help prevent damage to the hair follicles and help deliver proper nourishment to the hair roots.

Read more on Save Your Scalp from Hair Loss with the Leimo Shampoo

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